Official Country Name:The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Region:Western Europe
Government:Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional Monarchy
Official Languages:English
Religious Demographics:Christian ±59.5%, Evangelicals 8.8%, Non-religious ±34.5%, Muslim ±3.2%, Sikh <1%, Jewish <1%, Buddhist <1%

United Kingdom

Number of Evangelicals
Cultural Bridges
Strategic Access
Religious Freedoms
Current Sending
Mobilization Potential

Four Countries United for God's Kingdom

October 10, 2023

The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom is multi-cultural and has many different religions represented in most of the major cities. The country as a whole is very prosperous, but faces numerous social challenges, mainly secularism and pluralism. Though some social hostilities are present, the United Kingdom remains blessed with religious freedom and great potential to share the good news with the one third of its citizens who do not associate with any religion. God has divinely orchestrated the United Kingdom to be a place of great ethnic diversity. This is a huge advantage for mobilizers and go-ers, as they can have experience working with and living alongside different ethnicities without having to leave the UK.

In This Article
  • Number Of Evangelicals
  • Cultural Bridges
  • Strategic Access
  • Religious Freedoms
  • Prosperity
  • Current Sending
  • Mobilization Potential
  • Obstacles And Opportunities
  • Prayer And Praises
  • Ministry AreasChurches
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